Graduate Education

Graduate Schools  | Research Centres 



MSc / Ph.D.

Eskişehir Technical University offers 2 master's and doctorate programs in Health Sciences, 61 in Science and Engineering Sciences, 178 in Social and Human Sciences, and 2 in Educational Sciences. Postgraduate education is conducted with 85 graduate programs, 2000+ graduate students and 1600+ semesters of graduate program courses.


Undergraduate/Associate Education

Faculties  | Departments   | Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes  



Faculty / Department / Programme

On the campus of Eskişehir Technical University, there are 5 faculties, 26 undergraduate programs with 8300+ students, and 2 Vocational Schools, 17 Associate Degree programmes with 2300+ students.


Erasmus -Mevlana

Erasmus  | Mevlana  



International Relations Unit

Ready for the world? Start the countdown to encounter new approaches in your field, experience the visions of educators from different countries, and experience living abroad! Do not forget to visit our office to find out about Erasmus programs all over Europe and see the options.